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Useful Links - New Zealand Council of Homeopaths - Donna Flavell is an associated homeopath of Intentional Grace. - Information on successful Homeopathy treatments

Homeopathy for Women Research (PDF) - Homeopathy has a long history of successfully treating women and their health problems and is the preferred healthcare option chosen by a growing number of women.

Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr Luc Montagnier, voiced support for homeopathy in Science magazine (December 2010)

Musculoskeletal Complaints Improve with Homeopathy (PDF) - Media snippits about Homeopathy

NZQA Approved Colleges - some also offer post-graduate studies

South Pacific College of Natural Therapies (Auckland) -
Wellington College of Homeopathy -
Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy -

Homeopathy and Health Insurance

The following health insurance providers cover homeopathic consultations under some of their policies. Please contact the provider directly to find out which policies cover this.

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