About - The Story
The Flavell Homeopathic & Healing Centre was founded and is run by Donna Flavell, below is information on Donna and the services she offers.
In 1989 after spending a year battling ongoing ear infections with her 12 month old son - including numerous prescriptions of antibiotics & a vaccine reaction which severely compromised his immune system - his chronic ear problems remained. She was informed by her GP & ENT Specialist that the only solution was surgery – the removal of his tonsils & adenoids followed by the insertion of Grommets. Not willing to accept this, Donna sought options that would allow him to heal naturally without surgery & without more drugs. In short, she explored Homeopathy & after matching his symptoms to the selection of medicines (or Remedies as they are known in Homeopathy) he never had another Ear Infection again. Donna says “I was hooked. It triggered a passion inside of me to take control of my own family’s health & to find other remedies for all the accidents & childhood ailments that came our way”.
After treating her own family & friends for the next 5 years, Donna started her own practise in 1994 and has been helping other people ever since. She graduated with straight ‘A’ honours from the Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy in 1997, became a registered Homeopath in 1998.
Donnas’ thirst for knowledge has continued, mastering numerous modes of healing over the years (Massage, Reflexology, Energy Healing, Body/Mind symptom links; Spiritual Development; Inner Child & Past Life Regression Therapy) and culminating in a vast foundation & range of experience, tools and remedies to draw on, that will suit your unique requirements.
She is a leader in ‘Self Development & Empowerment’ and has an amazing ability of finding the cause behind your problems; helping to bring an awareness as to why they exist. Together, these insights and Homeopathic remedies facilitate healing & transformation on all levels - physical, mental, emotional & spiritual: on the whole being, hence the term Holistic Healing.
Teaching, passing on her knowledge & empowering others is also something that is of great importance to Donna.
Whatever your individual needs are, whether it be 1-1 in clinic or skype session or within a group, Donna will work with you to help bring about change, growth & healing; with her caring, nurturing & gentle way & her powerful, potent sessions, you won’t be disappointed.
Donna now lives and practises in Mangawhai with her husband. She has 3 adult children and 2 beautiful mokopuna.

Homeopathy & the Landscape.
Have you walked into a home or garden and never quite felt comfortable or at ease? Sat down in an outdoor entertaining area & never really relaxed, or walked through a garden that visually looked lovely but didn’t fill you up with the feeling of joy or at ease with the surroundings & nature.
Have you walked into a home or garden & instantly felt comfortable & at ease? Sat down in an outdoor entertaining area & felt totally relaxed or walked through a garden that not only visually looked amazing but also invited you to wander & spend time, giving you a sense of peace & calmness & tranquillity or had the desire to lie down & just ‘be’ with nature.
Donna was finding more often that sometimes people could reach a certain level of increased health, however were living on land or in areas that acted as constant aggravation factors to their state and which was limiting the extent of their progress. If the land around them was not healthy, it was definitely not conducive to increased and sustained good health.
She was drawn to further understand & work with the natural energies of the land e.g. Ley lines, Crystals, Plants & trees, bodies of water, underground rivers etc as well as the negative effects of living with stress of day to day frenetic energy, traffic & introduced negative energies – e.g. electrical wires, overhead power cables, phone lines, cell towers etc. Also important to the learning was understanding the positive effects of Feng Shui concepts and those of the Eastern philosophy on the overall energy of the land. Taking a sabbatical from her Homeopathic practise, Donna started on a new 6 year journey, immersing herself in the land and gaining further knowledge, becoming qualified in Landscape Design also with qualifications in Horticulture & hard (structural) & soft (plants etc) Landscaping.
After opening a Landscaping Company her main focus over the next 6 years was designing Gardens & Landscapes that not only looked wonderful, but were peaceful & in harmony with nature; balancing out the negative effects and aspects of the land and its surroundings, while enhancing the positive attributes, again tuning into the energy of the land & listening to the unique needs & requirements within each area.
Donna says “When the energy of an area is in balance, the energy of the land, the minerals, crystals and micro organisms within the soil, the plants, the ether & space where the birds and insects live, the energy of the water whether from ponds, streams or underground rivers, is all linked in harmony, changing the entire vibration and ‘feel’ of the landscape. The sense of peace & harmony in entering your garden is increased threefold. In addition to this, the health & happiness felt from the plants and land definitely adds an added sense of joy & D’Light to the enjoyment of your garden & landscape”.
With the Land around your home and your work space in balance and in harmony, this in turn lifts your own sense of and ability to maximise your own and your family’s health and wellbeing as well as that of the health, wealth & wellbeing of your business.
Life has turned a full circle & Donna again has an active Homeopathic practise treating people & the land as well as teaching Homeopathic, Spiritual growth, Personal balance and empowerment. Donna also works as a consultant in working with the Balancing & Harmonising the Landscape, and Enhancing the positive energy around your home & your business.